Training & Education

Within the Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam CGCH doctors are involved in the education of medical students in the Bachelors and the Masterphase. In addition, for more than twenty years, a multi-day course “Global Child Health” has been given to paediatricians and Doctors of International Health and Tropical Medicine in Training (AIGT). Outside the Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam CGCH physicians contribute to courses and training in Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht and Liverpool (England) and Blantyre(Malawi). In addition, the Amsterdam CGCH organises annual courses and summer schools for (para) medics. The aim is to further expand these educational activities in the coming years, including by offering new courses. Finally, the Amsterdam CGCH plays a central role in creating opportunities for paediatric registrars to work for at least six months in children’s wards in collaborating hospitals in low-resource settings. This offers much-needed paediatric support to local hospitals and allow registrars to develop GCH expertise.

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Our courses

 Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health 2024

Het Amsterdam Centre for Global Child Health van het Amsterdam UMC organiseert voor de 23ste keer de ‘Certificate Course in Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health’ van 7 t/m 9 februari 2024

Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health

Het Amsterdam Centre for Global Child Health van het Amsterdam UMC organiseert voor de 21st keer de ‘Certificate Course in Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health’ van 17 t/m 19 november 2021.

 Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health

Het Amsterdam Centre for Global Child Health van het Amsterdam UMC organiseert voor de 22ste keer de ‘Certificate Course in Tropical Paediatrics and Global Child Health’ van 1t /m 3 November 2022

Global Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

After successful previous editions of the Global Child Health summer school and the Reproductive and Maternal Health summer school, both courses will join together and return in 2021 as the Global Maternal, Newborn and Child Health online summer school.