Research line



Main researcher(s)

Minke Huibers
Minke Huibers

The paediatric oncology program is represented by dr. Minke Huibers. Dr. Huibers trained within the formerly called 'Global child health group' were after she worked as a paediatrician from 2018-2021 for the Global HOPE (Paediatric oncology Paediatric Excellence) program of Texas children in Lilongwe Malawi. Currently she is trained as a paediatric oncologist and holding a postdoc position in the outreach group, lead by professor GJ Kaspers in the Princes Maxima Centre in Utrecht. The outreach program of Prinses Maxima Centre Utrecht, lead bij prof G. Kaspers, is working along different twining programs in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Indonesia and Kosovo. Twinning enhances sharing of knowledge and expertise which includes (hybrid) education sessions on pathology, radiology, nursing and clinical care as well the implementation of joined treatment protocols and clinical research projects with international impact and benefits.


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